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Will I be able to get homeowners insurance with Polybutylene Piping (PB)?


Citizens Insurance is a state run insurance agency. See their answer below.


Integrity Home Inspection has spoken with several insurance agencies about Polybutylene piping. Sometimes it will be covered but with a very large deductable, up to 10 % of the price of the home. If this is the case and the home is valued at $100,000 then the deductable is $10,000. In most cases the Polybutylene can be remediated for half the increased deductable and you no longer have a leak risk from Polybutylene piping.

It appears that citizens will approve polybutylene piping on houses younger than 30 years but not if the home is older than 30 years. Click here to see Citizens Home Condition Requirements dated June of 2019. Scroll down to the plumbing section; the comment is the last item in the gray area.


If you are not sure if you have polybutylent piping give us a call.


You can see a picture of polybutylene piping by clicking here and scroll down to the polybutylene section. It is a gray pipe with dark copper or brass clamped rings at the connections.


Integrity Home Inspection takes no liability for the information provided. This information is being provided as is, without any warrantees or guarantees. Please verify this with your insurance company or associated contractor prior to proceeding.

Information is current as of 2/2/2020